Some of my recent talks

January 22, 2024
Patrick Charboneau e Francesco Zamponi mi hanno intervistato per la (preziosa) serie di interviste su "La storia della rottura della simmetria delle repliche in fisica".
Patrick Charboneau and Francesco Zamponi have interviewed me for the (so precious) series on interviews about "The History of Replica Symmetry Breaking in Physics".
Here is the original interview.
Maybe indeed the best is to read the transcript that one can find here.
They have also prepared a short bio.
All that can also be found, together with many more interviews, here on the site of CAPHES.

Accademia dei Lincei, Roma, December 4, 2023.
My talk is at 1h:24m:55s. "Nicola Cabibbo, Lattice QCD and the APE supercomputer." Talk given at the Lincei meeting: "Cabibbo 60 - Celebrating Cabibbo angle (1963)".

August 5, 2023
Poadcast "Radici, gli studenti raccontano", a cura dell’Ufficio comunicazione dell’INFN, realizzato da Cecilia Collà Ruvolo, Anna Greco e Francesca Mazzotta.
La puntata 8: "Giorgio Parisi", contiene un mio punto di vista.
Episode 8: "Giorgio Parisi", includes a few comments of mine (in italian).

Sapienza Università di Roma, March 16, 2023.
In the series of 14 seminars about "The interdisciplinary contribution of Giorgio Parisi to theoretical physics" my contribution on "Simulated tempering and other fantastic beasts", about the paper "Simulated tempering: a new Monte Carlo scheme", by Enzo Marinari and Giorgio Parisi, Europhysics letters, 19(6), 451 (1992), and about "other fantastic beasts".

Politecnico di Milano, April 20, 2022.
Architettura e Scienza: una breve conversazione su potenziali implicazioni della complessità nel progetto architettonico (e forse nella progettazione più in generale).
Architecture and Science, at Politecnico in Milan (in Italian).

Bangalore, India, December 15, 2021.
The History, The Power and the Perspectives of Numerical Simulations of Spin Glasses.
The slides.

Sapienza, Roma, December 6, 2021
Giorgio Parisi viene insignito del Premio Nobel per la Fisica 2021, ed io ho l'onore di essere chiamato a presentare la sua ricerca durante la cerimonia di assegnazione. Io sono a 36m:24s.
Giorgio Parisi is awarded the 2021 Nobel Prize for Physics, and I get the honor to present his research during the official ceremony. (In italian). I am at 36m:24s.

Last updated: March 14, 2024.

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