The conference announcement in poster format (a .pdf file)
The conference announcement in a smaller format (a .pdf file)
A list of registered participants.
A first version of the program of the Conference.
A second version of the program of the Conference.
A list of titles and abstracts.
Here you can find the slides of the talks.
We have been at the Physics Department of La Sapienza and at Accademia dei Lincei:
The red drop is for the Physics Department at Sapienza, the green drop is for the "Accademia dei Lincei", and the four regions in color are the ones where you can book hotel through the links below: orange for Termini, blue for Colosseo, green for Via Veneto and light purple for Trastevere.
For informations please contact Manuela Marchetti, scientific secretary of the Conference (manuelaDOTmarchettiATroma1DOTinfnDOTit).