
From APE100 to APEmille: Results and Perspectives


Deadline: Dec 20, 1996 for safe hotel reservation

The workshop will be held in the Laboratori Nazionali of INFN in Frascati, near Rome, from Monday February 17, 1997 to Wednesday February 19, 1997.

There are several ways to get to Frascati.

A certain amount of rooms have been booked in the VILLA TUSCOLANA HOTEL at the prices indicated below.

A bus will pick up participants at the hotel every morning and take them back to the hotel at the end of the scheduled workshop activity.

The hotel is 2 km far from the center of Frascati and ~3 km far from the Workshop site.

These rooms must be confirmed by December 20, 1996. Thus, this is a firm deadline that people participating to our workshop ought to meet. We suggest that you make your reservation - via the form below - as soon as possible in order to be sure to get a good accommodation.


bed&breakfast b&b plus dinner
single room Lit. 160,000 Lit. 170,000
double room shared with
another participant
(per person)
Lit. 100,000 Lit. 140,000
double room Lit. 200,000 Lit. 280,000

The Villa Tuscolana Hotel accepts VISA, MASTERCARD and American Express credit cards.

Please use the form below in order to make the room reservation at the prices indicated.

You can check as many times you want the data you submit by pressing the 'Check form' button below. When the data are correct you will be able to save it thus making the actual reservation. An email will be sent to you as confirmation of the reservation.

First Name:
Last Name:
Single room b&b b&b&dinner. From: .2.1997 (afternoon) To: .2.1997 (morning)
Double room b&b b&b&dinner. From: .2.1997 (afternoon) To: .2.1997 (morning)
Shared double room b&b b&b&dinner. From: .2.1997 (afternoon) To: .2.1997 (morning)

Participant to share the room with:

First Name:
Last Name:

We are going to organize a bus to pick up people at the airport on Sunday Feb 16,1997 around 5 pm.
If you are interested please tick here:

For any problem or special need please contact us via email at

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