From APE100 to APEmille: Results and Perspectives
How to reach the Workshop site
Instructions to reach Frascati and the Workshop site by car, plane+taxi, train and bus can be found here. Information about plane+workshop_bus are immediately below in this page.
A bus will transport people from Villa Tuscolana Hotel to the workshop site (INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati) all the three workshop days. Moreover a bus will pick up people at Leonardo da Vinci airport on sunday and will take people to the airport on wednesday at the end of the workshop.
People who want to be picked
up at the airport on sunday
16 at 5:30pm must
send an email specifying their name and affiliation and possibly their
flight number and arrival time. There will be a person to pick them up
at the exit gate of international arrivals.
Note however that there will be only one bus at 5.30pm.
The following is the workshop bus timetable. Note that the bus from the hotel to the workshop (and vice versa) will make a stop in Frascati main square, in order to pick up people who don't sleep in the hotel and to let people spend the evening in Frascati.
Sunday 16
17:30 Bus from Fiumicino Leonardo da Vinci Airport to Villa Tuscolana Hotel
Monday 17
08:00 Bus from Villa Tuscolana Hotel to LNF
18:15 Bus from LNF to Villa Tuscolana Hotel
Tuesday 18
08:40 Bus from Villa Tuscolana Hotel to LNF
18:40 Bus from LNF to Villa Tuscolana Hotel
19:40 Bus from Villa Tuscolana Hotel to Grottaferrata at restaurant Il Fico
23:30 Bus from Grottaferrata to Villa Tuscolana Hotel
Wednesday 19
08:40 Bus from Villa Tuscolana Hotel to LNF
16:45 Bus from LNF to Villa Tuscolana Hotel
16:45 Bus from LNF to Fiumicino Airport
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