Les Houches 2005 - Short seminars
Here is a list of all seminars that have been accepted for the
workshop. We have basically accepted only postdoctoral fellow seminars
(not phd students and not faculty...) plus one special invited evening
All seminars proposed by postdoctoral fellows before the deadline
have been accepted. They will last 25' plus 5' for questions each
(timing will be strictly enforced by severe chairperson, 25 means here
25 and not 30).
- johannes berg Graph alignment and biological networks
- leonie canet Non-equilibrium critical phenomena and non perturbative renormalisation group
- damien challet Optimal recycling of imperfect binary devices
- stefano ciliberti on the dual approach for lossy data compression
- tobias galla TBA (will most likely be related to Minority Games)
- robert jack Emergence of dynamical heterogeneity and glassy behaviour in disorder-free spin models
- thomas joerg Diluted Spin Glasses: Monte Carlo algorithms and results on critical behaviour
- ivan junier Phase space description for slow dynamics
- alexandre lefevre Spatially heterogeneous dynamics in granular compaction
- gabriele migliorini Finite Connectivity Spin Glass Phase Diagrams and Error Correcting Codes
- matteo palassini Geometry of the solution space in constraint satisfaction problems
- gregory schehr Aging below the superroughening transition
- paolo verrocchio Exponential decay of correlations and critical behavior in glass-forming liquids
We have also found some time for seminars proposed by postdoctoral
fellows after the deadline. The following seminars have been accepted
as shorter seminars (because of time constraints).
They will last 15' plus 3' for questions each
(timing will be strictly enforced by severe chairperson, 15 means here
15 and not 16).
- eric bertin Subdiffusion and dynamical heterogeneities in a lattice glass model
- dinah parker Experimental investigation of superspin glass dynamics
- tommaso rizzo Beyond the Bethe Approximation
- cristina toninelli Dynamical susceptibility in models of glasses
- francesca tria on the Talagrand theorem in spherical p-spin models
We will also have an invited, special evening wine and sake'
seminar, that will last 30', and will be probably held at 21.00 on
- hidetoshi nishimori Error Counting in a Quantum
Error-correcting Code and the Ground-State Energy of a Spin Glass