Post Doc Openings in Statistical Mechanics and Complexity 
  at Sapienza University in Rome

Statistical physics approaches have become more and more important in
the investigation of an impressive number of complex systems and
random models. Among these the low temperature properties of glasses,
the characterization of the glass transition, the jamming state and
more generally the study of phase transitions in frustrated systems as
spin-glasses, neural networks or optical systems in random
media. Furthermore, constraint satisfaction and optimization problems
in computer science, statistical inference, machine learning,
artificial intelligence benefit from fundamental results in the field
of statistical mechanics of graphical models.

The approaches developed in the field to study complex problems are
also of interest by themselves: replicated field theory, exact results
and analytic computations on random graphs via the cavity method,
analytic studies of corrections to mean field theory, and also
high-performance numerical methods.

The Chimera research group at the Physics Department of Sapienza
University in Rome (whose staff members are Giorgio Parisi, Enzo
Marinari, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi, Luca Leuzzi and Tommaso Rizzo) is
opening postdoc positions to work on the subjects listed above.

Candidates with an excellent background and interest in at least one
of the subjects above are invited to apply by sending a CV, as well as
two or three names willing to provide a reference letter at the email
address chimera.team@uniroma1.it

The successful candidates will be awarded a fellowship of about 27,000
euros per year (after-tax salary), will have access to computing
facilities, will have considerable financial support to attend
conferences and workshops and will enjoy a very lively research
environment at the interface between statistical physics, condensed
matter physics, machine learning and high performance computing.

Review of applications will start by the end of July 2020 and will
continue until all positions are filled.