A. M. Ankowski(1), O. Benhar(2), P. Coloma(3), P. Huber(1), C.-M. Jen(1), C. Mariani(1), D. Meloni(4) and E. Vagnoni(4)
(1) Center for Neutrino Physics, Virginia Tech - Blacksburg, Virginia (USA)
(2) INFN & Dipartimento di Fisica, “ Sapienza ” Università di Roma - Roma, Italy
(3) Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory - Batavia, Illinois (USA)
(4) INFN & Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università di Roma Tre - Roma, Italy
Neutrino-nucleus charged-current interactions have been simulated with GENIE (version 2.8.0 + νT package) in the following channels:
quasi-elastic scattering (QE), resonance production (RES), deep inelastic scattering (DIS) and two-nucleons knockout (2p2h).
The generated events are analyzed to reconstruct the energy of the incoming neutrino. Two different reconstruction methods have been employed:
For each reconstruction technique, two different scenarios are considered:
The neutrino energy range is 0.0 < Eν (GeV) < 8.1, with a step size of 100 MeV, for a total of 81 energy bins.
The matrices are in GLoBES format: the first two elements of each row indicate the number of the first and the last energy bin. Each column (row), corresponds to a given true (reconstructed) energy bin, starting from zero, with 100 MeV step size, up to 8.1 GeV. Columns are normalized to one, and their elements define the probablity for an event with true energy Eνj (corresponding to the j-th column) to be reconstructed with an energy Eνi, where i runs over the rows, for each energy bin.
Here below it is possible to find data and plots of the migration matrices for the four neutrino types.
For a detailed description of how the matrices were produced, see related papers: