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1. General Information
2. Project Description
We propose to create a center dedicated to the study of Statistical Mechanics and Complex Systems. The center will be located in Rome. The main objective of the center will be the study of the collective emergent properties of systems with a very large number of components which show a complex behavior. This problem is central in the study of many physical systems and its full mastering is instrumental to the possibility of developing many applications of physical methodology to many other fields (a very partial list of examples ranges from traffic to the immune system, from the Internet to memory and cognitive processes, from earthquakes to finance).
The main mission of the Center will be to promote the study of the following fields:
The Center will try to be a self-consistent, strong and visible reality, being at the same time very open to contributions from outside. Its main mission will be to become a reference point for the researchers working in these fields not only in Italy, but in all of Europe and hopefully worldwide, and to form and train young brilliant researchers. We believe this is a realistic, ambitious and appropriate goal, based on the available skills and on the support we plan to acquire and organize.
The Center will organize the activity of the local scientist, and the ones of students, postdoctoral fellows and visitors. We plan to constantly host a large number of postdoctoral fellows (a number of order 15), and to systematically invite senior researchers from Italy and abroad for stays of medium and long duration. We especially hope to attract people during their sabbatical year. We see, to summarize, a multiple level structure: permanent researchers and professors, PhD students and postdoctoral fellows, senior visitors for short, average and long stays, dedicated programs (see later) including schools. We believe the structure we are proposing will be able to exploit and enhance synergies among these different levels, and to guarantee a large level of visibility to the INFM Center.
Let us detail a bit more on the structure of the programs we plan to organize: the Center will organize programs dedicated to a given subject in which the leading expert in the field will be invited to give a series of seminars. Discussions among experimentalists and theoreticians will be especially welcomed. Each program may will typically last around one month (but longer programs will be possible) and may involve 15-20 people from outside: the precise format will be adjusted after the first experiences. This type of activity has been very successful in institutions like Santa Barbara and The Newton Institute (Cambridge): we plan to build on these experiences, even if with a completely new and original experience (that we hope we are succeeding to describe here at least partially, and that will be determined by the scientific and logistic environment in which we move). The tentative number of programs will be of 2-3 per year. Inside programs (and also independently from them) we will organize workshops. A reasonable estimate is that we will be able to organize 4 workshop per year.
The Center will have a high visibility and its activity will have to be deeply rooted in the national and international research. At this end the director of the Center will be assisted by a Scientific Committee, which will support him in deciding the activity of the Center, selecting the programs and the program directors. This Committee will be tentatively composed by 12 physicists (some theoreticians and some experimentalist), plus the director: 6 of them will be Italian physicists not from Roma "La Sapienza" and 6 will be foreign senior scientists. The board will meet periodically (may be on an yearly base) and it will be continuously in touch with the director via e-mail.
We plan to dedicate many energies to training (see the section about training for more details). Among other activities we plan to organize a yearly doctorate school, with 4 course of 20 hours each divided in two (intense) working weeks, one in June and one in September, on subjects that will change every year.
The Center will be located in the Dipartimento di Fisica of the Universita' "La Sapienza" (see the section about logistic for many more details), although it is possible that eventually we will be able to move some of its activities in the Centro Studi e Ricerche, located in the historical buildings of Via Panisperna, which has been created in 1999 and which will operate in collaboration with INFM and INFN. We will stress the strong potential impact and added value of such possibility in the section about logistic.
Other resources will come from other INFM programs, from the University "La
Sapienza", from MURST (Italian Ministry for research), from the European
Community, from the European Science Foundation, and hopefully from more
2.b Activities:
The physics of complex systems and collective phenomena is a novel field which includes topics from several disciplines ranging from condensed matter physics to geology, biology, astrophysics and economics. This widespread interdisciplinarity corresponds to the fact that these new ideas open new and original ways. The objective is the study of complex and large scale structures, that appear in a vast variety of natural phenomena. New types of collective behaviors arise and their understanding represents one of the most challenging areas in modern statistical physics.
Senior Researchers: Marinari, Parisi, Tartaglia.
4 PhD students, 5 Postdoctoral fellows, 7 coworkers.
A better understanding of the physics of the glassy state is one of the crucial goals we have in mind for the Center. We believe that analytic techniques merging ideas coming from the Replica Symmetry Broken (RSB) mean field theory of spin glasses, from the Inherent Structures approach and from the Mode Coupling Theory, together with large scale numerical simulations, will help in obtaining remarkable progresses [ME].
In studying equilibrium thermodynamics of glasses one focuses onto first principle computations in simple fragile glasses. A replica formulation can translate this problem into that of a gas of interacting molecules: the results, particularly those concerning the Kauzmann temperature and the configurational entropy, can be successfully compared to recent numerical simulations.
Recent progresses based on the use of the replica method also allow a definition and the evaluation of the configurational entropy (or complexity). One can derive generalized fluctuation dissipation relations that can be directly tested in experiments with present day technology (efforts in this direction are under way).
In the context of the Instantaneous Normal Mode approach the spectrum of the Hessian of Hamiltonian is a key quantity to describe liquid behavior. We are developing a new approach for the analytic computation of the Hessian spectrum.
One promising approach to the study of the glass transition focuses on the properties of the potential energy landscape, and of its topological properties. The extension of these approaches to bulky systems is being developed and may offer novel insight on the onset of the slow dynamics and on the connections between dynamical and thermodynamical quantities [CO,SC].
We plan to explore the temperature range around the dynamical critical temperature Tc. We propose to study the potential energy surface of different models for liquids. We also plan to correlate dynamical properties with thermodynamical ones.
We have applied the Mode Coupling Theory above Tc to colloidal systems showing an attractive potential besides the usual repulsive core. The interesting phenomenon is the possibility of finding a glass-glass dynamical transition which is predicted by the theory and leads to the so-called colloidal gelation. We plan to extend the theory to two-component systems in order to compare with molecular dynamic simulations.
Establishing the correct theoretical description of finite dimensional random systems with frustration is an important and difficult goal: we are dedicating many efforts to try to achieve it [MA].
Again we are using equilibrium methods, and dynamical approaches: when investigating the dynamical behavior we have studied the off-equilibrium overlap correlation functions below the critical temperature in three dimensional Gaussian spin glass, confirming a power law behavior for the dynamical correlation length.
As a last example of important developments that are based both on a new analytic understand and on large numerical simulations we quote the problem of temperature chaos in disordered systems which has relevant theoretical and experimental implications.
A new field we are investigating is the one based on computing ground states of disordered systems. We have computed and analyzed couples of ground states of 3D spin glass systems, and we have established that the picture based on RSB correctly describes the behavior of 3D Spin Glasses.
Because of space constraints we only quote some examples: tiling, RNA and protein structure and surface growth.
Senior Researchers: Castellani, De Pasquale, Di Castro, Pietronero.
3 PhD students, 5 Postdoctoral fellows, 6 coworkers.
The renewed interest in strongly correlated systems has been triggered by the growing experimental evidence of the role of electronic correlation in systems such as the high Tc super-conducting cuprates, the colossal magneto-resistance manganites, the vanadium oxide V2O3, and the low-density 2d system s showing a metal-insulator transition which challenges the expectations based on the Anderson localization.
From a very general point of view [CA,MO], all these systems share the common property that the kinetic energy is substantially reduced by correlation, opening the way to various instabilities of the metallic state, like non-Fermi-liquid behavior, polaron formation, charge, magnetic and/or orbital ordering. This tendency reflects in the rich and complex phase diagrams of all the compounds mentioned above, in which many different phases may be stabilized by varying external parameters like temperature, doping, or pressure.
This investigation poses a hard theoretical challenge: we have to understand the effect of the competition between the kinetic energy and other several interactions of magnetic, Coulombic or phononic origin.
In addition to strong-coupling analytical techniques, a large use of Monte Carlo analysis is of specific help in finding the appropriate solution in each case. In particular, the continuum model with and without disorder can shed light on the relevance of Wigner crystalization and/or quantum interference in the 2d metal-insulator transition.
Senior Researchers: Marinari, Parisi, Pietronero, Vulpiani.
3 PhD students, 5 Postdoctoral fellows, 6 coworkers.
The fully developed turbulence is one the most important open problems of physics. A relevant aspect is the presence of anomalous scaling laws. Both a first principles theory, and a numerical simulation present many difficulties that are very difficult to overcome [B].
We shall study the problem of the analysis of turbulent signal with non conventional techniques (based on information theory and stochastic processes). We shall put in evidence the properties of the intermediate dissipative behavior supposed by multi-fractality but still not revealed with the usual techniques of data analysis.
In chaotic systems the predictability of the future state is strongly limited by the strong dependence on the initial conditions. This causes an exponential divergence between two trajectories that were initially close. A characterization of such a phenomenon is possible through Lyapunov exponents, which have been recently generalized for non infinitesimal perturbations by introducing the finite scale Lyapunov exponent. Interesting results have been obtained in the characterization of the predictability in turbulence and in systems with macroscopically chaotic behavior.
The main aim of this research is a systematic study of the spatial/temporal complexity in extended systems through an analysis of predictability for non infinitesimal perturbations.
Granular media are composed by small solid particles subject to inelastic interactions. While in equilibrium statistical mechanics the velocities are Gaussian distributed, in granular systems the tails of the distribution deviate from the Maxwell law. In this way we hope to find the basis of a possible kinematic and hydrodynamic theory for such systems.
Structure formation in presence of long-range interactions represents one of the current most challenging issues in statistical mechanics. This topic is relevant for astrophysics, plastic deformation in crystalline materials, and vortices in a turbulent flow. It has been observed that galaxies and dislocations both form fractal structures [SY]: he cosmological implications of a fractal universe are generating a longstanding debate.
Fractal growth models are considered the prototypes of a many physical phenomena. We have introduced a theoretical scheme that allows to deal with the irreversible dynamics of these processes [E]. Other phenomena under investigation are the driven dynamics of systems with quenched disorder.
Finally, an interesting example of fractal growth is provided by network formation. In several different cases (river networks, veins, telephone, electricity or Internet webs) one observes structures that exhibit fractal properties and whose properties should optimize some a priori unknown cost function.
In all these cases we aim to strengthen the connections between models and experiments.
The argument is pushed even more strongly from the fact that different members of our groups have worked in different of the research lines we have indicated: the many collaborations and joint projects of our investigators make this fact clear.
[B] T. Bohr , M. H. Jensen, G. Paladin and A. Vulpiani, Dynamical Systems Approach to Turbulence (Cambridge University Press, 1998).
[CA] C. Castellani, C. Di Castro and M. Grilli, Z. Phys. B 103, 4 (1997).
[CO] B. Coluzzi, P. Verrocchio and G. Parisi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 306 (2000).
[E] A. Erzan, L. Pietronero and A. Vespignani, Rev. Mod. Phys. 67, 545 (1995).
[MA] E. Marinari et al., J. Stat. Phys. 98, 973 (2000).
[ME] See for example M. Mezard and G. Parisi, cond-mat/0002128.
[MO] A. Moreo, S. Yunoki and E. Dagotto, Science 283, 2034 (1999).
[SC] F. Sciortino, W. Kob and P. Tartaglia, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3214 (1999).
[SY] F. Sylos-Labini, M. Montuori and L. Pietronero,
Phys. Rep. 293, 226 (1998).
2.c Training, Collaborations and Facilities:
We consider training as one of the crucial missions of the Center we plan to build: we believe that the research activities introduced by such a Center (and already the added value such a structure carries to existing research) will have to carry a direct and strong impact over the training of young researchers. This is one of the moments in which the Center will be relevant not only for theoreticians but also for experimentalists, since we plan to build a 360 degree tutorial environment in statistical mechanics, helping forming both theoreticians and experimentalists.
From "bottom" to "top", we will try to have our activities to have an impact already on the Laurea students, by putting them in direct contact with advanced research. On one side advanced introductive seminars will be presented during standard courses, on the other one dedicated tools will be developed to introduce young people to the beauty of research in physics (we have in mind for example computer programs, recorded conferences and small movies: we plan to dedicate some 2 year contracts to this specific goal). Doctoral students will be a crucial resource of the Center: we dedicate to doctoral fellowships a part of our budget, that will be added to the positions we will get from other funding channels (the University "La Sapienza" first).
We can go back now to the Doctoral School we plan to organize: we want to put efforts toward a global improvement of physics doctoral programs. We plan to organize two weeks of courses, one in June and the second in September, as an activity based in our Center. We will have four courses every year, of 20 hours each, on different subjects in Statistical Mechanics (the subjects will change every year): we will work on having the final exams of these courses accepted as part of the requirements for the most part of Italian physics doctorate courses, but we also plan to have large part of the attendance coming from abroad. The courses will be residential, and will bring young future researchers to interact in the Center for extended periods of time.
To end with doctoral training we note that our groups have lot of experience in the sector. We normally follow PhD students from our University, from different Universities in Italy, and we run, for example joint programs with Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris (programme de cotutele), where the student has two tutors, one French and one Italian, and she is working half time in France and half time in Italy.
We also believe (as it is clear from our preliminary budget assessment) that the presence of postdoctoral fellows is a crucial part of the Training and of the Research activities of a Center. We believe that the activities we will run will be differentiated enough to make it possible to interact successfully with a large number of postdoctoral fellows (we are thinking about a number close to 15: there are 8 senior investigators signing this proposal and at least 8 more junior and non junior faculty members that will work full time in the program). We have experience at that: already now we interact with many postdoctoral fellow, that come to our Department with Italian MURST funds, with EEC funding, and with other sources of money (for example direct Spanish funding, Argentinian fellowships and similar sources). We believe the existence of the Center will be crucial not only for the new funding, but also and maybe mainly for the synergies it will be able to create; the visibility ad the coordination linked to the Center will be a crucial factor for the success of the career of many young, promising researchers (and on the way back such young people will give a crucial visibility and success to the Center).
We will not give many details about the national and international collaborations of our groups, since they can better be deduced from the CV of the senior investigators. Let us just say here that we have a very large number of very intense collaboration with a very many Universities in all the world. We have many scientific relations in Italy (mainly L'Aquila, Napoli, Pisa, Roma II, Trento and Trieste), in Europe (maybe we can quote Paris, Spain, Switzerland as some among many other collaborations), in USA, in South America, and in many other places. The Center will increase our links with these institutions and also among themselves.
As far as facilities are concerned, our basis will obviously be Rome University "La Sapienza": we will discuss about details about the office space issues in the Logistics section, but we will surely be able to cope with space issues in a successful way, since the Physics Department is very committed in its totality to support us towards the success of our enterprise. We count on a known network of hotels where will will be able to host the participants to our programs.
At last the computer situation is already good, and we plan to improve it once the Center will be founded. Every one of our coworkers can count on a Pentium or an Alpha machine (under Linux and DEC-UNIX): we compute mainly on the Kalix2 32 Pentium II Linux cluster, located in Cagliari, and on the PARDAM alpha parallel computer located in Rome. Thanks to our international collaborations we access at times parallel supercomputers (Cray, Compaq, Fujitsu) located in France and in Germany.
3. Logistic Arrangements
We believe we will be able to organize logistic arrangements that will make the Center operating in an optimal way.
At present the investigators of this proposal use a space of about 300 square meters, in the Dipartimento di Fisica. When the Center will be created we believe it will be possible to allocate to it right ahead at least 300 square meters of space: this spaces will be clearly labelled with the Center name and with the INFM logo. This will allow us to start to be effective and visible from the first moment.
The acquisition of new office space in the so-called New Building of the Physics Department has been already decided, and is on the way of completion. The area will total a surface of 900 square meters. After some first additional contacts we believe that an order of magnitude of 300 (additional) square meters will be dedicated to the Center. This will allow us a first expansion.
A very interesting event would be the startup of the Via Panisperna research center. The Parliament has approved a law according to which the historical building of Via Panisperna (where Fermi and the other scientists of the via Panisperna gang used to work) will be dedicated again to host research activities. The building will be fully reconverted, and organized in a new scientific institution that will have the mission of running a Museum and hosting research activities, in strict contact with INFM and INFN. We regard this as a outstanding potential setting for part or all of the Center.
We want to stress how important it would be to achieve such a task, i.e. to connect this new INFM center to the history of the Fermi group first activities. The reconversion of Fermi's building to research is an unique opportunity of development and visibility, and we believe that linking it to this set of theoretical researches of INFM would be an important achievement.
Part of the Board of Trustees of the Via Panisperna research center has already been nominated. We have contacted in a preliminary way some of his members, and it will be surely possible to host some of the Center activities in the Via Panisperna building. Clearly that will reduce the need for space in the Physics Department itself. We are also already in direct contact with some of the competent state ministers in order to fasten the startup procedures that will allow the building to be reallocated.
Let us repeat that we consider this opportunity as a very important added value.
4. Senior Investigators
5. Additional Resources
We believe that one of the main strengths of our proposal are the backgrounds on which we are trying to build: such a strong background will allow for a very effective use of the resources that will constitute the center. We will clarify in the following details about the available resources and on how we plan to exploit synergies. It is maybe worth to repeat that we work on a strong basis: each of the groups that cooperate in the construction of the Center is an international leader, and different kind of national and international funding sources will add to the center budget. In some sense the center will find his role not only in the resources it will provide, but it will be instrumental in gluing together different factors and enhancing the results, causing a positive interference.
As we have already discussed we are getting space support from the Physics Department of the University La Sapienza and we have plans (and some declarations of interest) from the Via Panisperna center. When the Center will be approved we plane to deal with the Department plans about refurbishing and renovating the space allocated. Also if we will eventually move some of our activities to via Panisperna we will deal the better possible agreement to get a comfortable, visible space. We will also have a fast LAN installed: we plan to design it in such a way to support our advanced computational need (fast connections, links among the desk Linux machines, the parallel computers, typically Beowulf like, and the geographical network).
We should also underscore that salaries for many researchers that will work in the Center, and for some technical and administrative support, will be paid by Rome University. For example telephone expenses and large part of the computing should be paid by the University.
Our groups are members of many national and international projects and networks that will have to be integrated with the Center and will be an additional and natural source of additional funding. The success rate of our proposal is high: already now, for example, we have in Rome postdoctoral fellows funded from EEC scholarships and programs. We also have funding from the European Science Foundation. We have been successful in INFM competitive programs like PRA and PAIS.
We believe that seed funding will have to look for support in the industrial world. Moreover activities like the earthquake study are supported already by an Italian Ministry.
6. Budget Justification
We have allocated to the three different activities an average sum of 400 ML per year. A minor part of this amount will be dedicated to hardware purchase (computers), and to maintenance and perishable material (the most part of it will be acquired through independent sources of funding). The most part of this amount will be dedicate to running the programs (as we already discussed) and to long term visitors. We also plan to organize a Conference to start the Center and one after five years. Part of the funding needed for these two Conferences will come from University funding.
We plan to use a relativity small amount of money for seed funding, that should fund itself mainly by a direct relation with the outside world. The money allocated will be mainly used for organizing at least one workshop per year.
Education and human resources is the main budget entry. We will fund at least three PhD scholarships per year, for the first three years (at a rate of 25 ML per scholarship). We plan to hire of the order of 10 postdoctoral fellows per year, at a rate (including travelling) of 60 ML per year. We are confident that at least five additional postdoctoral positions per year will be funded from other sources.
The organization of the Statistical Mechanics School will require 75 ML per year that will be used to contribute to the stay and travel expenses of the students (and to support the speakers coming from out of Rome).
The funds we have destinated to the outreach will help in enhancing the visibility of our Center and the quality of its impact. We plan among others to organize classes for formation for high school teachers (maybe together with the Accademia dei Lincei), and to set up software for having seminars and colloquia organized in the Center on line on the net (we plan to have a set of voice-transparencies on-line shows). We also see the possibility of setting up a CD with effective didactic programs, problems and games.
The funding for Administration includes one permanent person running the Center. We will also hire on part-time basis the personnel needed for specific issues related to workshop and program organization.
7. Financial Table
1. Slow Dynamics ... | 190 | 150 | 130 | 140 | 140 | 750 |
2. Strongly Correlated ... | 150 | 110 | 100 | 100 | 110 | 570 |
3. Chaos, Fractals ... | 170 | 130 | 115 | 120 | 125 | 660 |
Applied Statistical Mechanics | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 250 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
750 | 825 | 900 | 835 | 770 | 4080 | |
20 | 40 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 210 | |
120 | 102 | 104 | 106 | 108 | 540 | |
1450 | 1407 | 1449 | 1401 | 1353 | 7060 |
8. Appendix - Curricula and Publications
Parisi Giorgio
Born in Rome 4/8/48. He graduated from Rome university in 1970, the supervisor being Nicola Cabibbo. He has worked as researcher at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati from 1971 to 1981. In this period he has been in leave of absence from Frascati at the Columbia University, New York (1973-1974), at the Institute des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (1976-1977) and at the Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris (1977-1978).
He became full professor at Rome University in 1981, from 1981 he was to 1992 full professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Roma II, Tor Vergata and he is now professor of Quantum Theories at the University of Rome I, La Sapienza. He received the Feltrinelli prize for physics from the Academia dei Lincei in 1986, the Boltzmann medal in 1992, the Italgas prize in 1993, the Dirac medal and prize in 1999. In 1992 he became fellow of the Accademia dei Lincei; he is also fellow of the French Academy from 1993.
He is (or he has been) member of the editorial board of various reviews and of the scientific committees of the Institute des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, of the Ecole Normale Superieure, of the Scuola Normale, of the Human Frontiers Science Program Organization, of scientific committee of the INFM and of the French National Research Panel and head of the Italian delegation at the IUPAP.
He has also written three books: Statistical Field Theory, (Addison Wesley, New York, 1988), Spin glass theory and beyond (Word Scientific, Singapore, 1988), in collaboration with M. Mezard and M.A. Virasoro and Field Theory, Disorder and Simulations (Word Scientific, Singapore, 1992).
Elementary particles.
Phase Transitions and Statistical Mechanics.
A formulation of the conformal bootstrap for computing critical indices.
A new method for computing critical indices using the renormalization group theory without using the epsilon expansion.
The exact computation of critical exponents for branched polymers using the previously derived supersymmetry properties of stochastic differential equations.
The introduction of the concept of multifractals in turbulence and in strange attractors. Multifractals have later found a wide range of applications in many fields of physics.
Mathematical physics and string theory.
Disordered Systems.
In 1979 he has found the exact solution of the infinite range
spin glass model using a new order parameter, which parametrize the
spontaneous breaking of replica symmetry. In a later work
the deep meaning of the solution has been found and this has lead to the
introduction of ultrametricity in physics. These results have consequences in
different fields ranging from biology (neural networks, heteropolymers
folding) to combinatorial optimization.
A sequence of very large scale simulations of three dimensional spin
glasses has been done in order to verify numerically the validity of
replica theory. The theoretical results are in very good agreement with
the numerical simulations.
The theoretical framework has been extended to models without quenched disorder, firstly in the mean field approximation, and later in models for structural glasses (binary mixtures). In this way analytic microscopic computations of the thermodynamic quantities in the glassy phase have been done for the first time.
The breaking of replica symmetry has a direct experimental counterpart in the validity of generalized fluctuation dissipation relations in off-equilibrium dynamics. Numerical simulation are in wonderful agreement with the theoretical predictions. Experiments which aim to evidenziate these relations in spin glasses and in structural glasses are presently done.
Non Equilibrium Statistical Physics
The first contribution in this fields was the study of the growth model for
random aggregation on a surface. A stochastic differential equation was
proposed (the KPZ equation). This equation is related to direct polymer,
which have been investigated using the broken replica method.
The results obtained on the generalized fluctuation dissipation relations
in slightly off-equilibrium systems form a very interesting bridge
between equilibrium and not equilibrium behaviour, that will be widely
explored in the future.
More detailed information is available from the WEB page: http://chimera.roma1.infn.it/GIORGIO/giorgio.html
Castellani Claudio
De Pasquale Ferdinando
Place and date of birth: Rome July 6th 1939
Present position: Full Professor of Optics at the University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Short periods of research activity abroad in Soviet Union J.I.N.R. Dubna, Grenoble C.N.R.S., Spain University of Iles Baleares, Varsavia Institute of Chemical Physics of Academy of Science.
Has lectured for many years the postgraduated school of physics at the University of Rome and in some International Schools. Has been invited at workshops and international conferences.
He organized the scientific activity of a C.N.R. group (Proprieta' Collettive). He has been the coordinator of the postgraduate school in physics at the University of L'Aquila.
Di Castro Carlo
Marinari Vincenzo
For more details see the home page http://chimera.roma1.infn.it/ENZO/
Pietronero Luciano
This is a brief version of the curriculum. More information like the detailed list of publications etc. is available from the WEB page: http://pil.phys.uniroma1.it/pil.html
Composition of the research group and collaborators: The group consists of about 12 people in Roma (mostly junior) plus a large number of former students or collaborators at different Institutions in Italy and abroad (for a total of about 30) with whom we are in active interaction. For more details please consult the WEB page.
Tartaglia Piero
Born in Rome, Italy Feb. 6, 1942.
1.Jul. 24, 1968 Laurea cum laude in Physics, University of Rome, presenting the thesis Study through Fadeev equations of the final - state interaction in the annihilation in three pions of the system antiproton - neutron supervised by Prof. G. Jona-Lasinio.
2.Feb. 1, 1969 - Apr. 4, 1983 Assistant Professor of Physics, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Rome.
3.Apr. 1, 1971 - Dec. 31, 1972 Visiting scientist at the Department of Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology of Cambridge (U.S.A.) with a fellowship of the National Research Council.
4.Sep. 1, 1974 - Oct. 31, 1974 Lecturer at the Department of Physics of the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium).
5.Apr. 5, 1983 - Oct. 31, 1991 Associate Professor of Physics, Faculty of Engineering and Department of Physics, University of Rome La Sapienza.
6.Oct. 1, 1987 - Dec. 31, 1987 Associate Researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique at the Centre de Physique Moléculaire Optique et Hertzienne de l'Université de Bordeaux I (France).
7.May 20, 1988 - Apr. 8, 1994 Member of the Physics Committee of the National Research Council.
8.Nov. 1, 1991 Professor of Physics, Faculty of Science and Department of Physics, University of Rome La Sapienza.
9.Mar. 16, 1999 Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the National Research Council.
10.Mar. 1, 2000 - Aug. 31, 2000 Visiting Professor at the Department of Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology of Cambridge (U.S.A.)
The scientific activity, in the field of statistical physics, developed along the following lines:
Vulpiani Angelo
He spent some periods at Niels Bohr Institute Copenhagen, NORDITA Conpenhagen, University of California San Diego, University of Marseille, University of Bruxelles, University of Stockholm, Univerity of Lausanne.
Main scientific interest: Statistical Mechanics, Turbulence, Chaos, Transport and Mixing.
About 150 papers on international journals, 3 books (2 in english and 1 in italian) and 40 contributions to conference proceedings.
About 2100 citations in the period 1981-1997.
About 70 invited talks at international conferences.
Referee of Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. E, Journal of Phys. A, Chaos, Europhys. Lett., Phys. of Fluids, Physica D, Physica A.
Principal investigator of the INFM project PRA-Turbo (1997-2000). National coordinator of the EEC Network "Intermittency in Fully Developed Turbulence" (1998-2001).
He has organized 10 international conferences, workshops and schools.
For a complete list of his papers and a summary of his scientific activity see: http://axtnt2.phys.uniroma1.it/homepgs/vulpiani/index.html
Five recent selected publications:
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