Operating System

The APEmille Operating System (APEOS) will run on the AHPs.

The APEOS provides the following facilities:

The APEOS for multi-AHP systems will be a distributed operating system which uses remote procedure calls to synchronise the whole machine. The user interface in this case will run on one particular AHP which will drive the APEOS kernel distributed on all the AHPs.

To allow compatibility and portability of source TAO programs the APEOS system services will comprise all the Ape100 system services (but one, namely the broadcast one, which will be implemented in hardware). New system services will be provided to manage new hardware facilities (for example the high speed storage systems connected to the HIPPI channels).


The APEmille processor will be provided with two compilers. The first is the compiler for the TAO language, which will be 100% compatible with the Ape100 TAO language but will have many extensions not only related to the new APEmille architecture. The second one is a C++ compiler. The C++ language which will be provided will support the parallel features of APEmille.

Both the compilers will be based on the Zz dynamic parser and on an hardware-independent optimizer which is now under development.

The TAO compiler as well as the C++ compiler will produce APEmilleAssembler code.

The assembly code will be translated into executable microcode by a low level assembler/scheduler

Code scheduler and optimizer.

A hardware-dependent optimization and the microcode scheduling will be performed by a low level optimizer which will read assembler code and will produce executable microcode. The most important phase of this optimization is the 'code shaker', which moves up and down the VLIW patterns in order to fill the pipes.


The C++ Simulator

The APEmille simulator is a C++ application based on a "per device simulation" concept.

Each device can be described in terms of "component" devices and connections among them (structural description) or can be characterised by its functionality and delay expressed in multiples of clock cycles (behavioural description).Some tools were developed using the C++ inheritance properties. These tools have been used to build a library of elementary devices which can be used as bricks to build up more complex systems.A prototype simulator was implemented using these tools. It contains -so far- the floating point unit with the new pipe architecture and the local address feature.

The target product will be a multi-board simulator. The simulator ends with the APE channel interface. Thus the operating system can be connected to it in order to simulate the whole machine.

The VHDL Simulator

As a concurrent task, the same system description is being developed in VHDL language to synthesise the gate level implementation. This kind of simulation is more detailed and slower than the functional simulation. The major advantage is that electrical loads, some parasitic capacitance, delays, race conditions and other hardware hazards are properly simulated. The major disadvantage is that a complex environment is needed to run a VHDL simulation.